Monday, March 10, 2025

MA – New Bedford – The Ashley Ford Car Show

June 16, 2018 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Ashley Ford Sales
395 Mt Pleasant St
New Bedford, MA 02746

On June 16th, Ashley Ford and Mustangs of Massachusetts will hold their Annual Mustang & All Ford Day! If you love MUSTANGS, make sure you’re there!

Mustangs of Massachusetts and Ashley Ford sponsor one of New England’s favorite car shows. Classic Mustangs, rare Mustangs, and other vintage Fords compete for prizes and the ooh’s and ahh’s of the crowd.
Entertainment, food, and prizes!

Of course the Mustangs are enough entertainment in themselves, and yet there is music by “Johnny Angel”, give-aways, free refreshments and the first 50 entrants will receive a free dash plaque! It’s a great day if you love Mustangs. It’s a great day if you love cars. Heck, it’s just a great day! Bring the family and show the kids the latest and greatest Mustang. Show them the one that was around when you were a kid. They’ll be hooked on the Ponies too.

Located at 395 Mt. Pleasant St., New Bedford, Massachusetts. 

Registration opens at 9am. $15 at the gate, $10 for pre-registration. Pre-registration will open on April 19th at

Joel Chappell

Joel Chappell or MrJoelieC (Pronounced: Mister-Joe-Lee-See) Is a guy passionate about "Car Shows" and the "Automotive Scene." For the last few years, he has been getting back into photography to share what he sees at the many Cars Shows he tries to attend. he has created a few websites, and because of his passion for cars and car shows he made this one – the one you are on now.