Monday, March 31, 2025
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Some Food and Some Cars at Cruise Night @ Murphy’s

This past Sunday on June 9th I had some food, and I looked at some Cars, at Cruise Night @ Murphys in Bedford NH. And let me tell you I had a blast and later on we are gonna have a small discussion of Car Show “worthiness.”


General Lee Speaking its still a Beautiful Car

Parked right up in the front row is possibly one of the best hero car representations of my all-time favorite TV shows as a Child: The General Lee. This hugger orange beast of a Car is absolutely stunning to behold. Everything is correct from the Tires to the CB Antena and of course the now controversial Confederate flag on the top of the car. I would not have this car any other way. I love everything about it. And I know I’m supposed to hate the flag on the top. For me, this car with that flag represented good people fighting the system like a true modern day Robin Hood. And nothing else. 

Muscle Car Club of NH

Orange seemed to be the “Theme” as the “Muscle Car Club of New Hampshire had on display a late 60’s Camaro. A resplendent representation of period wheels and just beautiful to behold. New Hampshire Muscle Cars is one of the largest muscle car clubs in New England There were indeed many members of this very club in attendance this night. You can get more information about this outstanding club from both their website and their facebook group page. Check them out!

My Car is not Worthy! Yes, it Is!

I was sitting near my car and a gentleman about my age with his son started looking at my Corvette.  The gentleman began asking me about my Car and he revealed that he has a 94 Convertable C4 in Hunter green that he did not feel was show worthy… His son showed me a picture on his phones 

and I disagreed. We began comparing notes on our cars and then he told me about the Car they drove there and it was parked way in the back of the Parking lot because he said it was dirty and also not a “Show Worthy Car”

I wanted to see it. Thus we walked toward the back of the lot and there in all its glory was a sight to behold..  An almost showroom condition Toyota Celica Supra. This guy is obviously a perfectionist. 

The example in front of me was a Generation 2 version Toyota Supra known officially as the Celica Supra. At the time it was a breakthrough car for the Japanese importer. It became Motor Trend’s Import Car of the Year. The 2.8 litre inline 6 was a powerhouse by then standards at 160+ horsepower all the way up to 6500 RPM. I told this gentleman and his son to wash this Car and begin showing this Car. It’s beutifull.

“F” is for Ford F100

An absolute stunning yellow Ford f100 pulled in. I think it was a 1956 but I could be off a year or 2 but I’m fairly sure it is a 56 due to the wraparound windshield. I just could not stop looking at it. and I just had to take a better than the normal picture of this work of art. The Ford f100 This Generation of the ford truck was the start of the “F” designation that still stands today with ford pickup trucks.

“F” is also for Food

One of the really nice things about this venue is that it happens to have outside a decent and affordable choice of some food in the choices of hamburgers, Hotdogs and Sausages. Get some chips and a drink or even a beer. (Please drink responsibly.)  As the event closed, my Wife who had shown up with my son and I decided to go into Murphys for a beer and some food. That was delicious BTW. Albeit a bit more pricy than outside. 

Check out the other fantastic vehicles we saw at this event below. 

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Joel Chappell

Joel Chappell or MrJoelieC (Pronounced: Mister-Joe-Lee-See) Is a guy passionate about "Car Shows" and the "Automotive Scene." For the last few years, he has been getting back into photography to share what he sees at the many Cars Shows he tries to attend. he has created a few websites, and because of his passion for cars and car shows he made this one – the one you are on now.

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