Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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The Sheer Diversity of Target Cruise Night!

Target Cruise Night – (Insert a picture of my happy face.) If I have said it once I have said it a thousand times. “You never know what you’ll see at Target Cruise Night.”  But you will always have a great looking at everything and everyone that shows up. 

137 Cars = The 6 Smile Muscles being worked hard

It takes six muscles in your face to generate a smile and let me tell you mine got a pleasant workout on Friday night. I pulled in a bit early and smiled at Show Organizer Brian. Who posted later in the evening that 137 vehicles showed up for the show. It could be argued that he may have missed a few. When I posted a shot on Instagram as I got out of my car, a few people laughed at my photo? Granted the lot was not full at that point But it filled up fast!

And that parking lot seemed to keep filling up. Classic Cars, Exotic Cars, Modern Muscle, Old Muscle, Works in Progress, Tuners and Hot Rods showed up to let everyone bask in the unity of the shared love of Automobiles. Even a few Motorcycles showed up. 

Was it Hot? Yeah it was Hot Rod

Hot Rods are always fun and they came out to show us how it’s done. From a Ford Falcon with a huge blower to good ole 30’s Iron powered by V8 Greatness. I never get Tires of this Yellow Beast whenever it shows up. The Flames on the side just make you wish you were behind the wheel on the old Sunset Strip in California. 

Whenever anyone says the words “Hot Rod” this is for me the quintessential image I bring up in my mind and those muscles in my face begin their work-out. 

Mix Quixotic lets see an Exotic

In the gallery below you’ll see a bunch of cars. But for some reason, this white Lamborgini just hit the sun and sky perfectly tonight. The blue accents just punched up a notch with the blue of the sky and I was even amazed just looking at my view screen on my camera after I snapped this picture. I may have squeezed a bit more blue out in post-editing but I’m sure nobody will complain about it right? 

What’s the Emergency?

All the way from Germany? I’m not really sure. But just to demonstrate the “Diversity” of what you may see at the Target Cruise Night this old Mercedes Fire truck showed up. Later,  it left with Sirens and lights blaring.  I saw many folks using their smile muscles when this behemoth showed up. It is my hope to see it many times again!

New Kid with a Project

An old neighbor of my wife and I hit me up on Facebook a while back looking for some feedback on an old C4 Corvette they had found.  It had some damage on the front. but the goal was to get their son Evan into a project to work on and learn about cars. It struck me as the perfect vehicle much like the 2001 Jeep Wrangler I got for my Son. On his way home from Hockey Practice, he pulled in with his Corvette to check out the show.  Initially, he parked away from everyone but then moved his car near mine. We then shared information about our respective vehicles. 

It’s nice to see a new generation share the love of a car and he has ideas on what he wants to do. And it is also very gratifying to see parents support this type of endeavor. Later in the evening I even messaged his mother with a possible source for parts for his project. I hope to be able to follow this project and watch this beautiful car lick its wounds and become even more beautiful than it already is 

My face hurts now, in a good way

All the smiling I did after these last few months that we have all endured sure made for a great evening. If you wanna see an amazing variety of Cars on a Friday evening than be sure to check out the Target Cruise in North Nashua NH. All your smile muscles will thank you for the workout. Check out the amazing vehicles we saw in the below gallery:

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Joel Chappell

Joel Chappell or MrJoelieC (Pronounced: Mister-Joe-Lee-See) Is a guy passionate about "Car Shows" and the "Automotive Scene." For the last few years, he has been getting back into photography to share what he sees at the many Cars Shows he tries to attend. he has created a few websites, and because of his passion for cars and car shows he made this one – the one you are on now.

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