Car Show

2022 Accomplished Auto’s Spring Capital Motor Show

Accomplished Auto in Concord New Hampshire kicked off their first-ever Spring Capital Motor Show on May 1st. And from the looks of it, I’d say it was mission accomplished (pun intended).

April showers bring May flowers

I have heard that April showers bring May flowers. Which is fine, but there’d better be a good amount of flowers this May because I swear so far this spring has been nothing but grey skies and rain.

So you can imagine my surprise when the weather forecast finally showed a sunny weekend with clear skies. Now, most people might take that opportunity to fire up their lawnmower, tend to their neglected garden, or call up some friends for a game of touch football. No – not me, my first stop was the New England Auto Shows calendar, which in turn led me to the Accomplished Auto show. I’m actually glad I checked the calendar because I hadn’t heard about this show until I came across the posting.

No Show Car For Me

I would have liked to bring my own car. Unfortunately, my problem child MG Midget is not yet ready for the road. I was hoping to have it going by the end of April, but thanks to Covid-related part supply issues and my own unrelenting procrastination the car has been sitting on jack stands for far too long. Perhaps the start of car show season will jog the ole ambition.

You couldn’t ask for a more perfect weather day, the sun was shining and the temperature was in the upper 60’s, a great day to walk around and snap some pictures. There were even a few custom motorcycles on display.

I’m partial to Mustangs, having had my fair share of them over the years, but I’m not tied to one brand, or genre, so I enjoy a show with many different classes of classic and modern cars and this show didn’t disappoint. From a ‘murdered out’ 70’s era cab over Freightliner to mint 80’s Chevy Cavalier and a pair of Rapid Blue C8 Corvettes, there was certainly plenty of variety.

Cars, Music, and Pizza!

Besides the cars, they also had live music and excellent pizza from Buxton’s Brick Oven Pizza Truck. I know you’re thinking… Pizza from the back of a truck can’t possibly be good, but it is, especially since Buxton’s Pizza truck has a legit brick oven and they use locally sourced ingredients. For some reason it didn’t occur to me to snap a pic of our pizza, I’m not the “here’s a shot of my food” type. I guess that’s why I’ll never be a successful Instagram influencer.

If you’re a car person living in New England (You probably are if you’re reading this.) then you know that Spring can not come fast enough. And it’d be great to have a go-to regional car show here in central New Hampshire to help kick off the dust and chase away the gloom of winter.

With an estimated 250 classic and custom cars in attendance for their inaugural show, so far Accomplished Auto’s Spring Capital Motor Show is off to a good start and we look forward to seeing this event grow in the future.

Check out the Cars in the Gallery below:

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Peter Ciani

Peter Ciani is a full time automotive writer for WheelsTV, co-host of the EV Power Podcast, co-founder of RPM News Weekly and a lifelong car enthusiast with a garage full of “someday” projects, including an 83 Mustang GT, 76 Ford Capri and a sometimes on the road 1978 MG Midget.

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