Sunday, March 2, 2025
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Classic Cruise Night at Murphy’s Taproom

Gonna be honest: I was not really intending to do more than just attend tonight’s Cruise Night at Murphy’s Taproom. But Then all these cool Cars showed up… Suddenly I’m snapping pictures. Then I’m talking to other photographers, and Now I’m like: “Well I guess I gotta edit all these photos and post them now…”

I took the Jeep

The Pollen count was ridiculous. My wife and I went out for a drive in the Jeep with the top down. When we got back, I realized the pollen was just caked on the Corvette. If I was going to go to Murphy’s I wanted to make sure that I got a decent spot and I decided: “Bring the Jeep, Mick, the showrunner likes it.” So I didn’t even bring a camera bag. I grabbed the Camera and Video rig and said: “I’ll see what happens.”

Old Race Cars

Old race cars just do something for me. Tom Crompton from Amherst brought his 1930s “Spring Car” that was originally built by “Pappy Woods” of Maine. And it is the “#27 Tomohawk Special” as according to accounts “Ole’ Pappy Woods” was of Native American descent.  This thing is a really beautiful car to behold in person and I just fell in love with it…

But Check out many of the Other Cars we saw at the Classic Cruise Night at Murphy’s that occurs every Sunday in Bedford, NH in the gallery below:

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Joel Chappell

Joel Chappell or MrJoelieC (Pronounced: Mister-Joe-Lee-See) Is a guy passionate about "Car Shows" and the "Automotive Scene." For the last few years, he has been getting back into photography to share what he sees at the many Cars Shows he tries to attend. he has created a few websites, and because of his passion for cars and car shows he made this one – the one you are on now.

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