Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Car ShowEventFEATUREDLatest

Goffstown Rotary’s 6th Annual Show Fun for All

I woke up a little early in preparation for the Goffstown Rotary Show in worry that the weather would not cooperate. The sun was out, but looming clouds made me nervous. The drive up was pleasant until I hit New Boston where some quarter sized Raindrops began hitting the car. But By the time I hit the entrance the Sun was beginning to peek back out from behind the clouds and thus we had great weather for a Car Show!

Is your Name not Bob then?

I parked amongst a row of Corvettes as there was indeed a class that was being judged for Best Corvette. I knew mine would certainly not be amongst the contenders especially after looking at my Competition. A very pleasant group of Corvette owners were set up talking and I was asked my Name. As it turns out just about, not all of the Cars were owned by Bob… Not the Same bob but all bobs… So I guess it got confusing when my name was not Bob… Or Bruce… (If you are a Monty Python fan.) 

Keep up the Pace

Or a well-kept Pacer? One of the Show winners from the 1970s was an AMC Pacer. The AMC Pacer is a two-door compact car produced in the United States by the American Motors Corporation from 1975 to 1979.  AMC advertising and literature proclaimed it as “the first wide small car.” The width was dictated partly by marketing strategy because U.S. drivers were accustomed to large vehicles.  Thus, the Pacer’s occupants had the impression of being in a larger car and partly by the fact that AMC’s assembly lines were already set up for full-size cars.

I love the Pacer because it’s quirky, it’s weird, the passenger door is four inches longer than the driver’s door. This supposedly made passenger loading easier, particularly from the rear seats. The Pacer’s remaining safety features were not strongly advertised, and seldom if ever influenced a potential customer’s purchasing decision.  This one in Red with faux Woodgrain is darn close to showroom condition. 

Some Oldies but Goodies

One very refreshing thing about this show was the site of some cars Older than 1955. When I was a kid these cars were all over the place in the Car Show world. But recently they seem to make less of an appearance and I can understand why. But it was really nice to see a lot of the older cars come out and play with the rest of us for a day. Seeing more than one Model A at most of the recent shows I have been to is a rare site of late and this show had quite a few.


A Good time had by all

Including my friend, Jon who has often been the but of many jokes about not winning a trophy at other car shows when he is amongst other Cars in his class. Today he took Second place for his beautiful Hulk themed Camaro. Congratulate him when you see him at other shows. 


Check out the other beautiful machines we saw below:

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Joel Chappell

Joel Chappell or MrJoelieC (Pronounced: Mister-Joe-Lee-See) Is a guy passionate about "Car Shows" and the "Automotive Scene." For the last few years, he has been getting back into photography to share what he sees at the many Cars Shows he tries to attend. he has created a few websites, and because of his passion for cars and car shows he made this one – the one you are on now.

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