MA – Brockton – Flag Day For Vets Car Show
Mark the calendars! Join the Mopars of Mass for The annual Flag Day for Vets car show to raise money for the Brockton VA Hospital.
Meeting location will be at Shaw’s Supermarket, up the street from the VA Hospital. Ideally, every one can meet here for 9ish and we can cruise down to the VA Hospital at 10.
There will be a mandatory $20 donation for the vets. This will give you entry to the show, as well as food at the BBQ/flag retirement ceremony.
We will also be parading around the complex just like years past, to give the vets who can’t come outside, a chance to see some cool cars… and of course some Smokey burnouts 😘
The entry fee needs to be sent into via PayPal apdipetta@
The proceeds will be donated to the brockton v.a. hospital.
Parking is slightly limited so don’t wait too long let’s show our support to the vets.
Spectators come and vote for your favorites.A $10 donation will cover a hot dog or hamburger and a beverage.
Via.paypal to apdipetta @ gmail .com