Thursday, March 6, 2025

NH – Manchester – SNHU Gearheads Cars & Coffee

January 19, 2019 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am
pin Southern New Hampshire University
2500 N River Rd
Manchester, NH 03106

Located in the rear Webster Hall parking lot

Please bring a cash donation or check made payable to: “SNHU SGA” and in the memo line add, “gearheads fundraising”

These donations will benefit an organization called “Wheels for Jaime” which helps handicapped children get the mobility vans, tools etc that they need

Joel Chappell

Joel Chappell or MrJoelieC (Pronounced: Mister-Joe-Lee-See) Is a guy passionate about "Car Shows" and the "Automotive Scene." For the last few years, he has been getting back into photography to share what he sees at the many Cars Shows he tries to attend. he has created a few websites, and because of his passion for cars and car shows he made this one – the one you are on now.