Thursday, March 13, 2025
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7th Annual Brandon Masterson memorial Car Show

Waking up on May 5th on the day of the Brandon Masterson Memorial Car Show, Started off – Well, Wet… Very, very, wet… Unpleasantly, wet. Anyone who drives an older Corvette knows this: If you have a 20+-year-old Corvette and it’s wet outside? You are definitely getting wet inside your Vette.

And I was wet when I arrived at just after 11:20… However, that being said: Was the parking lot empty at the Car Show? Hell No! Not at this show! If you remember from my visit last year when it rained as well, this show is filled with die-hards!

I decided I would park, and set up my mini “easy-up,” that conveniently fits inside my Vette all folded up, next to the Boy Scouts. I ran into Chris Kingsley and we compared notes about the upcoming season and other shows. I looked longingly at Blue Mitsubishi that they brought. It’s a very tastefully done car that fits in perfectly with the majority of this crowd.

As I was finishing set up, a beautiful Subaru STI with Bags literally settled in low next to me.  Deep Blue and just stunning. 

Cloudy Skylines? No – Nissans!

I did an initial walk around and saw some cool Cars…. It seems like just 4 years ago if you saw a Nissan Skyline you counted yourself lucky and it was considered a rare treat indeed. At this show, 3 of them pulled in and parked right next to each other… Lined up their noses for a cool Picture opportunity.

Forget the Mambo, Lets Limbo!

After a while, It was announced that the “Limbo Contest was about to start… The gentlemen next to me asked if I was entering because he thought my corvette might take it… “Why not,” I said, and grabbed my camera, started the Car up and pulled it up into the line…

The first few rounds we all sailed under and a slowly a few cars were hitting the stick and I was still sailing under with no issues. That being said its funny when you go under because the perspective inside the car is different and you keep thinking “Oh no! I’m gonna hit!!”

Eventually, it was down to me and 2 other cars. The 3rd car was knocked out and next thing I know the Miata in front of me stops and adds 4 more passengers than the 6 or possibly 7 they already had. Now, I use the word “Passenger” loosely… As the majority of said “Passengers” where on the Hood and trunk lid of the car…

I had met the son of a Coworker earlier and he was spectating. I shouted out to him to get his butt in my car… But alas…. I was robbed… Meh – All in good fun…. (Que video footage of me looking for bag kits for a C4 Corvette.) Next year, I may ask a few of the Boy Scouts to pile in the back of the car… Wait…. That sounds kinda creepy…. Anyway:

Despite the Clouds, a great time had by all!

My Friend Jay showed up and we walked around again and I snagged a few Cars that showed up later. The pavement was drying off and the rain stayed at bay. But I fear the daunting and dreary clouds kept a lot of the folks away again this year. This Show has soooooo much potential… It just needs good weather because it definitely has the coolest folks hanging out even when the weather is not so great.

Check out the rest of the Cars we saw below: 


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Joel Chappell

Joel Chappell or MrJoelieC (Pronounced: Mister-Joe-Lee-See) Is a guy passionate about "Car Shows" and the "Automotive Scene." For the last few years, he has been getting back into photography to share what he sees at the many Cars Shows he tries to attend. he has created a few websites, and because of his passion for cars and car shows he made this one – the one you are on now.

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