Monday, March 3, 2025
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The Memo Meet Great People, Great Meet, Oh and Cars!

A few months back I was asked to post up information for the Memo Meet on our website. I did, and I might have committed to saying I would be there to help support. Did I? I think I did? regardless, I was pretty sure I did so I really felt obligated to go.

What was I expecting?

I had no clue about anything about this event, I had No idea what “Memo Meet” was all about, and I had no idea if this was the first time? You would think that going to a car show, I would know what to expect. But in fact, at best guess, I was maybe expecting 30 Cars? What I saw though, was put literally awe-inspiring…  

For the Love of Memo

On November 22, 2018, Brandon Kluz (Nicknamed Memo) who was a Milford Graduate of same High School and lived in the same town I live in, was tragically taken away from this earth. Based on my research and the many people I met at the “Memo Meet,” Brandon touched the hearts of many people and friends in his short life. 

Brandon had a passion for Skate Boarding as well as Snow Boarding and from what I can gather, he also had a love for Cars as well. Based on the spattering of Parts that were, in fact, his and were being given away with donations, he was an avid Volkswagon Fan.  Which Explained the vast amount of Volkswagons in attendance.

The Memo Foundation

From Tragedy comes a togetherness. And through that Togetherness there is a desire to raise funds to add and maintain the existing skate park in Milford New Hampshire. Funds are being raised in Brandon’s name to build a Bowl in the Skate park. A trick area for the local kids in Milford to use and enjoy on their skateboards. One of these fundraising events was the “Memo Meet.” And it is here where a vast amount of Memo’s Car friends and family, and even those who did not know him, came together in his honor.

I met his Mom, I met many of his friends, and of course, I saw many of the things he loved: Cars… I wish I had met this kid… 

Exotics, Volkswagons, Jeeps, and Even Road Runners?

Cars that showed up ranged in variety and colors. That being said, there seemed to be a lot of “Yellow” cars. When I pulled in shortly after the planned start time of 8:00 AM, I was already excited by the sight of far more than my expected “Maybe 30” cars. and in addition, I was really stoked to see the variety… Because I love all cars…  Nothing gets me excited at a Car Show when I see something different!


Primarily there were a lot of Import Tuners. But a fair share of classics were in attendance. A 1972 Yellow Road Runner came in and looked fantastic! but in keeping with the “yellow theme,” even Darla the Swinging Swinger herself made an appearance, and check out this Yellow Lowered and stanced Volkswagon! Hell, there was even a yellow Ferrari. But there were many other cars too. 

Check out what we saw in the Gallery Below

For more information on the Memo Foundation:
Their facebook page



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Joel Chappell

Joel Chappell or MrJoelieC (Pronounced: Mister-Joe-Lee-See) Is a guy passionate about "Car Shows" and the "Automotive Scene." For the last few years, he has been getting back into photography to share what he sees at the many Cars Shows he tries to attend. he has created a few websites, and because of his passion for cars and car shows he made this one – the one you are on now.

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