Saturday, March 15, 2025

New Hampshire Muscle Cars Fall Fling

Like a divining light in the fog, New Hampshire Muscle Cars came out of the said fog and beckoned us all to their Fall Fling. Many events being held in this time of the Virus that shall not be named, have received a nasty label. That Label has been a “Super Spreader Event.” Well, let’s spin a positive and say this year’s “Fall Fling” spread a ton of smiles amongst a group of folks dying of thirst to see some amazing Cars and be amongst those who love them. 

It’s 9AM – and it’s a free for all

I showed up early not really sure what to expect. Many shows in neighboring states have been canceling and closing at the last minute. Thus I was gratified to see many cars pulling into the main gate at the Deerfield Fair Grounds. I was told to stage up and be ready for a free for all to get in at 9 AM as vendors were still setting up. And a free for all it was once the gate opened. 

Vendors, Food, Music, and Cars!

As I was walking around taking pictures of the cars There were some Vendors set up that included a gambit of everything. The more interesting places were the Custom shops set up. There were 3 lots set up. registered vehicles had 2 of the main areas and there was a corral area that I never even got to as let me tell you there were a lot of cars. And I didn’t even catch half of them with my lens because I just could not move fast enough. 

Music was provided by the New England-based quintet “Southern Breeze” that pays tribute to the finest southern rock bands of all time. LYNYRD SKYNYRD. I was grooving to the band while snapping some pictures. 


Some of my Stand out Cars

A bit of nostalgia occurred when I walked up to this 1974 Volkswagon Beetle. When I was a kid we had a Neighbor at the top of the street that once the plow hit the street after a snowstorm, he would tie up a toboggan/sled to the back of his wife’s Volkswagon just like this one. He would offer rides to every kid in the neighborhood. He would tow us all at a slow speed around the block and drop of us off laughing This machine is immaculate and beautiful and took me right back in time as I looked at it.


Sometimes when I take a picture of a car, folks will go right up in front of me in awe of what they are seeing. This gentleman was very apologetic when he walked up and realized I was in the middle of clicking my shutter. But you know what? Sometimes a picture of a beautiful car that is capturing the heart of the spectator just speaks to me. I can’t blame him this car is just a beautiful example of the Chevrolet Impala.


There is no mystery when it comes to this fun Van that I had to go back and look at twice. The first time I went to it it was surrounded by folks. I moved on and on my way back there were only slightly fewer people looking at this van from our childhood show Scooby-Doo. This 1965 Ford Econoline is just made to represent those meddling Kids and their Dog’s Van. 


And My friend Roland Beaule and his wife Stacy from my neighborhood were able to drive his Factory 5 33 Hot Rod. There is a reason this particular Kit is not only Award-winning but one of the most desirable. Roland, a well-versed mechanic, did just about all the work himself and – in a very short amount of time. It was good to see this artwork finally be showcased in a large show environment


A Fantastic Day was had by all

The weather was perfect, The sun was shining, people were just happy to see these amazing cars. At about 10:15’ish the main gate said about 530+ cars had registered at the gate. That’s not including the many corral Cars that I never even got a chance to look at and Honest Cars were still arriving most of the day. With everyone coming and going I think I was only able to catch about half the cars that were there and I think I caught 411 or so cars with my lens.

Check out what I captured below:

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Joel Chappell

Joel Chappell or MrJoelieC (Pronounced: Mister-Joe-Lee-See) Is a guy passionate about "Car Shows" and the "Automotive Scene." For the last few years, he has been getting back into photography to share what he sees at the many Cars Shows he tries to attend. he has created a few websites, and because of his passion for cars and car shows he made this one – the one you are on now.

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